What a great day! And not because we did anything spectacular for my 30th, but because we spent it together. I’m a celebrate absolutely EVERYTHING kinda gal, and I always chose to celebrate BIG.
For some reason lately, I’ve found myself praying that I’d learned how to slow down. I’m learning how to enjoy sweet quiet moments in small intimate groups.
I have always felt socially awkward in groups of less than 5, and totally comfortable in crowds of 100 or more. I’m starting to get the hang of the small scene though. It isn’t so bad, believe it or not. I kind of wish someone would’ve told me this in my early twenties!
A typical birthday celebration for me looks like 50 of our closest friends in our backyard, kids running everywhere, expensive decorations hung inside where no one hardly sees them (I always say I’ll do it different, but I never do), a ginormous sheet cake, coolers of soda and water, a fire full of frolicking flame (that one of our friends always had to ‘man’ because that’s a skill we had lacked until recently), happy faces, lots of networking between friends, and the type of happy busyness that doesn’t allow me to sit down and actually talk with anyone at the party.
That was/is so me though, I loved that, and I’m grateful for the time I’ve had to celebrate that way, but I wanted something different this year.
For my 30th I decided to forego the big party (and save the usual big party budget for something else) and just spend a day doing basically normal things with my clan. They were good to me, allowing me to do things *I* love, like hitting up a thrift shop, window shopping at a mall, and other mundane things.
To try something new, because I’m declaring my 30’s will be about all things NEW and BRAVE, we ate at a restaurant we’ve walked by dozens of times but never stopped at, Plaza Morena. I ordered a Fajita Taco Salad (with steak), because I’d been craving a good taco salad all day.
Lest you think that sounds too typical, I’ll let you in on a little secret- I’ve never ordered steak from a restaurant before! So this was something NEW for me.
We visited Dunham’s Sports to which the 8 year old glanced at the sign and asked “why is there a place called dumb hands?” yeah, again I’m his teacher.
While we were there I got in a quick work out, just so I could say that so far I’ve worked out every day in my 30s. ha! Really though, we’re looking for new bikes for cruising around town, and I’m on the hunt for a new elliptical.
We ended the night with ice cream sundaes at home and playing a card game around the same dining room table that we gather at for dinner each night.
If I think too long about it, I could say my birthday was boring, and there wasn’t anything super great about it. I could even say I got totally ripped off, because it was my 30th and all. You may read this and think the same. I’m choosing not to do that though, not to go into that place of overthinking and high expectations; my birthday was enough for me.
My husband felt totally inadequate and kept asking if I was sure I was okay with not having a party or going somewhere big. Yep, I was sure.
It was another day we were together on this Earth, another time to hear “happy birthday, momma” a hundred times from each kid, and this year from Mr. Awesome too (he gets more and more fun the more I get to know him). It was another day to hear my kids giggle, bicker, and chat with each other. It was another day to tuck little ones in, another day I was blessed to be their momma, and his wife.
12 years ago, when I was just 18 years old, I thought I’d be a big shot in a hospital, or performing on a big stage and riding in a decked out tour bus each night. I thought I’d be famous for something, anything, I just wanted to be recognized and loved.
Tonight I realized that being the wife and mother in *this family* is the best gig for me.
I am recognized and loved by Jesus, and if that wasn’t enough (which it is), I am also recognized and loved by my family and friends.
It was a good day, a very good day.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Sara Broers says
Happy Birthday. Ice cream sundaes on any birthday, is my kind of day!