My oldest daugther has been wanting to learn how to sew. We decided this week to go ahead and tackle her first sewing machine project! Because it was her first project we started off simple. We took a onesie that no longer fit her baby sister and hemmed it into a PJ shirt for the doll. Thrifty ...
Archives for August 2013
What I Heard Wednesday: 8-21-13
So I'm telling the boy as we're creating a mini book that he needs to cut very carefully on the lines. His response to me in his laid back, 'I'm so cool' voice: "Yeah, so I can sell this thing to uncle Jeremy". Yes son, those were my thoughts exactly! Uncle Jeremy would love to have a mini book ...
2013-2014 Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Well folks, we.are.crazy. Yep, I said crazy. At least that's what people keep asking us, "are you guys crazy?" We've got 3 kids ages; 10, 6, and 9 months. And we've decided to homeschool both of the big kids this year! *warm smile*. I'm not one of those moms who can't wait to get her kids ...
DIY: 18 Inch American Girl Knock Off Turns Into a BOY!
About a month ago I took the kids to the American Girl store. My oldest daughter loves their dolls, so I was looking to get a boy one for my son. When I realized how crazy expensive they were, I started searching the internet for a do it yourself (cheaper) option. My sweet girl is trying to earn a ...
Memories For The Boy
It's nearly midnight, I'm exhausted & I want to crash. But tomorrow my boy turns 6!! This quick set up took less than 10 minutes and I had everything already on hand. I know it's not pretty. I also know my son will love it regardless. Making memories for my children is my favorite thing to ...
Organizing Clothes
I bought one of these little gems last year for my daughter. It was perfect for organizing her clothes for the week. Each Sunday we picked out 5 outfits. The Monday outfit was placed on top, and Tues-Fri's were put into the drawers. Once in a while we would put Monday-Thursday in the drawers, and ...