The house is chaotic and loud today. There are toys and board game pieces in every single room it seems. My ultra organized personality battles with the desire to be the genuinely free spirited fun momma that I wish I were. Messes that don't get cleaned up each day annoy me. I'm trying to ...
Archives for July 2020
Budget Office Space
My husband suddenly started working from home this spring, and I gladly gave up my office space within our homeschool room so he could have his own space to create. When I got the phone call that his company was suggesting employees work from home for a couple of weeks (due to the virus) I ...
Six Joys: July 21st 2020
Six Joys:1.Being barefoot on the deck2.Breathing in fresh air3.Teaching the kids4.Hot coffee in a good mug5.The smell of fresh cut grass6.My husband working from home ...
Top 5 {EASY} Ways To Cheer Up, Buttercup!
Get Dressed! If you're reading this in your jammies and it's not pitch black outside you should get dressed. If you're reading this in yoga pants, but you have zero plans to actually work out today, please get dressed.Eat Real Food for 24 hours (longer is better). I'm talking about eating good ...
Up North
Family Vacation way up North. 18 people and two sweet pups under one roof for a full week. Okay, technically 19 people, as my youngest nephew is due to arrive next month. 😍 My. Heart. Is. Full. PS. "Minnesota nice" is a very real thing. ...
Recipe: Super Simple Homemade Pizza Night
Homemade pizza night with the fam has been a long-standing tradition in this house. When we had fewer kids at home I would grind wheat berries in a Nutrimill to make my own flour, make my own dough, let it rise, punch it down, and let it rise again. Then we'd top it with homegrown ingredients ...
Sunday Reset
Sunday Reset. As you adventure on into a fresh new week, take a moment to think on this verse: I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want most: Let me live in the Lord’s house all my life, enjoying the Lord’s beauty and spending time in his palace.Psalms 27:4 Shift your mindset ...
Root Pretty: Beauty Products Proudly Made in the USA
Did you know that what you put on your body is just as important as what goes IN your body? I'm careful about what I eat the vast majority of the time, and I'd bet you are too. I mean, there is a time (Mr. Awesome's birthday) and a place for a delicious loaded bacon cheeseburger pizza with ...
Goal Crushing: Herb and Flower Gardens
I have always dreamed of having a fresh herb bed in the yard. This is the year I'm crushing my goals, and so guess what? I've got one! Thanks, Mr. Awesome! The basil is doing exceptionally well. Besides eating it by the handful, which is simply *delicious*, what would you do with it? I ...
This is 34 Years + 1 Day
This is 34. Well, this is actually 34 years and one day. My husband took me to Target with an unlimited budget to pick anything I wanted. I wandered the aisles for way too long, as was evident when they spoke the dreaded words over the PA... "attention customers, our store will be closing in ...
Happy Fourth 2020
From our family to yours, HAPPY FOURTH! I've heard many say this fourth feels like just another day. Amen, I feel that too, but it doesn't change what this day is all about. I've spent my time supervising Chad (Mr. Awesome) on our garage remodel, listing things for sale on Facebook, ...