A Slightly Better Wife is not what I am, but what I strive to be. Here are just a handful of things I've been doing this week to work at being a better wife. 1. Be ready for sex when he is, even initiate it sometimes. Yeah okay, so this falls under TMI, but I'm a big girl, I do what I want. Sex ...
Archives for July 2014
Top 15 Educational Game Purchases For The School Year
One thing that really worked for us last school year was designating FRIDAY as our FUN day throughout the fall. So from our start day (mid-August) until our Christmas break we only did traditional learning 4 days a week. Friday was set aside for running errands, free reading, arts and crafts, ...
A Slightly Better Wife- GreenAir Oil Diffuser Tutorial and Review
This post contains affiliate links. Visit my disclosure tab for more details. Edit: I've had this diffuser for well over a year now, tried other diffusers, and this one is STILL my most very favorite. Even though it is not as visually appealing as some of the other ...
28 Random truths about ME
1. I was proposed to and broke up with, on my 18th birthday. It was symbolic to me of how I always get my hopes up and get crapped on every birthday. I'm not bitter about that or anything... :/ I suppose it just comes with having a birthday so close to a holiday. 2. I know my "bad" birthdays are ...
CLOSED: Birthday Giveaway: Seasons of a Mother’s Heart
This post contains affiliate links. A Slightly Better Wife (Quincey B.) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I wanted ...
Head Down, He Walked Away. he.was.mad.
As I was sitting on my back step, planner and pencil in hand, I listened to the group of neighborhood children playing baseball in an adjacent yard. The breeze blew past and shooed the flies off of my sun tanned feet. I looked down at my chipped bright pink nail polish {hmm, I should touch these ...
Coffee, Anyone?
If I have noticed one trend more than any other amongst mommy bloggers, I would say it's that a majority of us seem to have a genuine love of coffee. Really. Check out the "about me" section of almost any blog, Instagram or FB fan page and you'll soon see what I'm talking about. Go ahead, open a ...
FYI: This Is The Summer We Begged For All Winter
FYI: Our {semi-local} Target was setting up their "Back to School" area when I was there yesterday. August is coming quick! Don't let your summer slip away. Be intentional about having fun! We've been to the beach (with friends) twice this week, even though I'm pms-ing, even though ...
Moments From the Minivan: Tumbling Camp
Back story: My 6 yr old is in a stage where he is afraid of so many things. I've never met a kid so cautious. Once we took him to T-ball, at his request. He panicked, threw himself down on the ball field {in front of God and everyone}, screamed and cried that he wanted a *new* family and he hated ...
Practical Laundry Tips
Sign this to the tune of Let it go: The laundry piles high on the couch tonight Not a maid to be seen. My living room is consumed Yes, it's all for me. Disclaimer: This is only two loads of laundry, usually there is FAR more. As a homemaker I feel it's my responsibility to be sure that ...
Reflections from my 10 yr class reunion
Thoughts the day before my class reunion: I'm not going! But just in case I do, in the next 24hrs: Drink water Avoid carbs Whiten teeth Shave legs Thoughts just hours before the reunion: Crap, I ate carbs! Could I buy one of those girdle things? I really wasn't cute in high school, so I'm sure no ...
Approved Fightin’ Words
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry James 1:19 Mr. Awesome had to endure some of my cranky not-so-awesomeness yesterday. In hindsight I was way to quick to speak, and I really didn't give two craps if I was ...
Dyson DC28 Hose Replacement
For over a year now {maybe two, I have lost track} I have been duct taping, and re-duct taping the hose on my Dyson dc28. Dyson's are great vacuums, the problem was I tried to stretch the hose all the way down the basement stairs while someone stood at the top holding in the vacuum in place for me. ...
A Slightly Better Wife’s Homeschool Organization Room Tour
If you're needing a little help with how to organize your homeschooling tools, check out this video of our Homeschool Room Tour: ...