Today I am thankful for the ordinary, everyday things. I'm thankful to have our oldest daughter in our care. I'm thankful for the beautiful person she is, for her kindness and compassion. I'm thankful for her desire to learn and for the joy of cooking (& adoration of kitchen gadgets) that we ...
I used to keep an actual paper journal back in grade school. I mostly used that so I could keep track of which boys I liked and which boys I despised in a particular week. There wasn't much other content in there, but it was therapeutic nonetheless. Then I graduated to an electronic journal where ...
Counting Blessings July 31st 2015
I have so many blessings to count tonight. So many meaningful conversations, glimpses of joy despite my sadness, good food, smiles from 20+ happy story hour kids, S'mores around the fire pit with the family + Mr. Awesome's dad. The best of all? When my tween says "mom, I love just hangin' out ...
My Gratitude on Day 8
October 8th's gratitude comes from the laundry room. I am thankful for a washing machine that can wash AND dry my small loads, as well as wash my large loads and even sanitize them when requested to. Technology is so amazing. This machine works hard for us and we so appreciate ...
October Gratitude: Day 1
Day 1 A bowl overflowing with pesticide-free apples. Best part? They were picked by my daddy. A new month on the calendar. Yesterday is done & all is well. 10 years have passed and my husband is still my best friend. ...
Modern Conveniences
Today I am thankful for the wrinkle shield setting on my dryer. As I sit here cozy on the couch, in my big sweater and slippers, sipping my hot coffee and reading a book, I have no guilt whatsoever over not doing the laundry right now and no worry it will be wrinkled when I get to it. (Did you like ...
Positivity Challenge- Day 2
Thank you God for: 1. Coffee. Sweetly flavored with a touch of pumpkin puree. Sipping it slowly from my raspberry colored thermos mug makes me happy and warms my body on this chilly day. 2. The flexibility of homeschooling and being a stay at home momma. Yesterday we were able to "drop and go" ...
Positivity Challenge- Day 1
I was nominated by my friend Autumn of Pretty & Mine to post 3 positives of each day for 7 days. I'm a rule breaker, so I'm going to instead post 7 positives for 3 days. I'm also going to be posting them HERE on my blog, rather than my Facebook where I was nominated, since I did the 7 day ...
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
A morning walk with my blessings. A bouquet of dandelions. Hanging clothes to dry by His gentle breeze. A no-frills lunch with a beautiful friend in my favorite hometown. A shopping trip strictly for the purpose of planting a surprise blessing on someone else. Words with friends. Dinner, ...
Thankful Thursday: Life
Although I am thankful for all the blessings each day brings, I'm choosing Thursday's to showcase them. This week I am especially thankful for LIFE. You see, this past weekend there was a horrible car accident involving two teen girls. I didn't know the girls, or any of their family. I read ...
Thankful Thursday: January 23rd, 2014
Although I am thankful for all the blessings each day brings, I'm choosing Thursday's to showcase them. This week I'm thankful for social media. Even though I struggle with finding a healthy relationship with it. I am very thankful it's here for encouragement when it comes to homeschooling my ...
A Beautiful Moment
I'm so thankful for God's grace. Today was a complete opposite of yesterday. I realized it this afternoon. I was in the kitchen, wearing an apron {like all good housewives do} with my hands covered in flour as I rolled out gingerbread cookies. In the other room I ...
Thoughtful Thursdays
Through our summer homeschooling journey we have started a new tradition called Thoughtful Thursdays. Last Thursday we went to Chuck E Cheese. We played and had a wonderful time. In the end we had almost 300 tickets between the four of us. We gave the tickets to someone else, rather than spending ...
Last Day of School!
It's our last official day of homeschool for this school year! That is as long as everything that is supposed to get finished, gets finished today. ;) We will have about a week off. During that time we will do Vacation Bible School, and just PLAY. Then we start SUMMER HOMESCHOOL! Fun, right? ...
Joy Dare
Sometimes when things in life make me step outside my comfort zone it's hard for me to find joy, in the midst of my insecurities. Things around here have been past uncomfortable. Without boring you with details I will just say I'm reminded of wise words from two dear friends. The first one taught ...