We’re trying something new here! Eeek! In an effort do things SLIGHTLY BETTER for our health and home in 2022, we’re giving the @Somavedic Medic a try.
Neutralizing the harmful effects of 5G and EMFs is important to me, and that’s just what this little powerhouse of a unit is supposed to do.
Long story short, our power company installed a smart meter on our water heater many years ago (to save us money) and I instantly began having horrible headaches. A neighbor suggested it may be that new meter. We had it removed and just as quick as the headaches came, they left.
That’s when I first noticed I was sensitive to this, and have had other occurrences like this since.
Let’s face it, we live in a connected world. While we can limit our exposure to Wi-Fi, 4g, and 5g, we can’t fully avoid it. If I were to search for a Wi-Fi network on my phone right now I’m sure no less than 4 from outside of our home would appear.
What you can do:
First of all, whenever possible, disconnect from your phone. Keep it away from your body as much as you can. Carrying it in a purse is safer than a pants pocket.
When making calls, use speaker phone if appropriate.
Wired headphones are better than wireless in terms of EMFs.
Unplug anything electrical when it’s not in use (obviously not the fridge).
If your router is located near or in a bedroom, make it a priority to get it moved to a different location. Seriously.
What will you do to make your health and home ‘slightly better’ this year?
#selfcare #healthmatters #holisticlifestyle #liveinspired #healthyhappylife #cleanliving #wellnessadvocate #wellnesstips #nontoxicliving #SomavedicMedic #Somavedic #WiFi #5G
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