My youngest daughter, age 8, often comes to me with the sweetest smile and asks “can I create a recipe, momma?”
Without giving it a thought, my honest response today was “yes, but only if you clean up the kitchen when you’re finished”.
I wanted to say “no”, because of the messes that get made, but I also wanted to give in so I could watch her heart sing as she created. Motherhood is both a gift, and a tough act!
I love how this girl of mine works in the kitchen, she’s a free spirit, so full of confidence and passion.
To the surprise of her big siblings, my husband and I, she came up with this cake that is so so so super good.
We all clapped and cheered with excitement as we took our first bites. We begged her for the recipe! haha!
This girl creates by just grabbing and dumping things into a bowl, stirring, and baking. I truly admire her.
And if you are wondering, yes, she did clean the kitchen AND even washed up the pan. Incredible!
Here is what she could remember about her special recipe:
Graycie’s Cinnamon Almond Cake
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 Cup GF Flour plus more to thicken up
Brown Sugar about like a half a cup or a cup. I don’t know.
Regular (white) Sugar. A little bit. Not even a half cup.
2 eggs
A Splash of Lactose-Free Milk
Chopped Almonds
Special Ingredient (shhhh): Maybe like two teaspoons of CINNAMON (this is her favorite. I bet there was more than 2tsp).
Bake at 350° for up to 30-35 minutes
If you give this a try we would love to hear if it turns out for you!
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