I was nominated by my friend Autumn of Pretty & Mine to post 3 positives of each day for 7 days. I’m a rule breaker, so I’m going to instead post 7 positives for 3 days. I’m also going to be posting them HERE on my blog, rather than my Facebook where I was nominated, since I did the 7 day challenge there a few weeks ago.
My Blessings:
1. Neighbors who, on a whim, helped move a very LARGE {HEAVY} piece of furniture from our basement.
2. Our County Conservationist (I wonder if that’s her official title? That’s what we call her anyway) who put on a great presentation on monarch butterflies last night.
3. Erika of The Aurora Storealis for sending me a necklace to giveaway on my blog.
4. People like YOU who actually read my blog… I hope someone is reading this. 🙂 I love my little corner of the World Wide Web!
5. This one is a little silly, but I am blessed with a husband who can stuff a garbage bag to beyond FULL and still get it closed. It’s a thrifty talent folks, it really is! We pay a fee for city labeled garbage bags.
6. Stargazing with my hubby.
7. The gift and flexibility of homeschooling. I love getting to see how eager my kids are to learn (I wasn’t paid to say that… I’m serious!). I greatly love spending the days with them and teaching them to be compassionate. Oh friends, please teach your children compassion. For some it comes natural, for others it doesn’t, but we ALL need it.
Yaaaayyy!! 🙂
lovely list 🙂 thanks for sharing