What would you tell your child as they prepare for adulthood?
Our oldest daughter is now a full-blown adult and has graduated from our homeschool. Moms of littles, I often tell you to rest and take it slow. Well, today I’m tellin’ ya, don’t blink! Soak it all in.
I had thought by this point in her life I would have fully prepared her for adulthood, but then I remember that here I am, at 34 years old, still calling my parents for advice and learning new things all the time.
It is most important to me that my children know that they are loved, that being kind is more important than anything, and that no power of hell, or scheme of man, could ever pluck them from His hand (lyrics from the song ‘In Christ Alone’). That is something we repeated to our children often.
My Sweet Girl,
Know Jesus, and live in such a way that makes others want to know Him too. Be kind. Pay your bills. Collect memories, not stuff. Wash your counters daily. You are always in my heart. I’m grateful to be your momma. Call or text me any time, I mean it!
I personally think the three greatest gifts that parents can give their child are:
- The gift of the passion for the Word of God (be an example).
- A genuine smile that triggers feelings of love and safety inside their hearts.
- Reliability. Don’t just tell your children that you are there for them, actually show up and be consistent.
In my 20s a friend once said the thing she liked the most about her mother was that she was AVAILABLE. Wow! When you really think about what that looks like and what that means, that’s huge.
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