Monday Madness
As if Mondays aren’t busy enough, let me add one more thing for you to consider adding to your “to-do” list.
If you haven’t already, set up a donation station. For us it’s a table in the basement. Whenever the kids are getting dressed and a shirt doesn’t fit, or a pair of shoes get too snug they know just where it goes. This helps me because it’s taken care of right away. We aren’t dealing with the same shirt not fitting a week later, and I’m not faced with looking in the closet to see how many t-shirts they have thinking they have oodles when really only half of them fit.
So First- set up the station. It could be just a paper sack in the corner of your closet, or whatever works for you.
Next think quickly what could be added to the donation station. It might be something you want to donate it to a friend, a second hand store, the church, wherever. The point of this pile is getting it out of your everyday sight so you can live more simply.
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