Two things:
First thing: We’re trying casual uniforms in our homeschool. This may sound strict when read on a blog post, but I assure you my middle kids ASKED for this. They love all things fashion and thought it would be a lot of fun. I can tell you this, it has made mornings smoother, and eliminated the distraction of graphic tees, layered scarves, and all the accessories.
Dress for success, right?! Right!
My oldest son prefers to wear a full suit, so a polo/sweater is considered dressing down for him. Perhaps he is a future businessman. Having “Uniforms” has also cut down on laundry (there were so many wardrobe changes between my four children prior to this).
They simply wear a polo with jeans or slacks. If they’re cold they can add a jean jacket or uniform sweater. We will see how this goes.
The Children’s Place had everything we needed. I can tell you from experience that when my children are dressed better in public they get treated better by the people around them. I also think a nice outfit helps them feel good about themselves.
Second thing: I love when our daily school lesson takes us to our backyard to examine flowers and plants up close for a few minutes, rather than just peeking in a book. We found that we have what we need to make echinacea tea in our yard. We aren’t planning to do it at this time, but it’s cool to see that we could!
Never Stop Learning, Friends!
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