How do you feel about holiday cards? To our family, they’re Christmas cards and when they come we are so excited! The kids and I just love checking the mail through out December and seeing updated pictures of our family and friends. Some whom we haven’t seen in months, years, and others who we have just recently seen, but it’s still great to get an update with what they’ve been doing.
I love the hand written notes, those are priceless. The well written double sided folded printer paper stuffed in an envelope with a picture is awesome too. I have hopes of doing those every year, but of course, I am a busy mother of two, and above all a procrastinator.
So, because of my wonderful procrastination habits, I order my Christmas cards online, get them mailed here, address them when I have time and mail them out. Simple. easy, and affordable.
I do have friends who buy coordinating outfits for their family MONTHS in advance, get pictures done for the card, in addition to the double sided folded printer paper of what they’ve been up to. To those of you who do this, you rock, and thank you.. Please keep it up! To make it a little simpler you may want to use the Shutterfly greeting cards, or Story Cards
As far as a gift idea to go with a few of those holiday cards, why don’t you include some canvas wall art? I had a picture of our wedding rings in a flower made into canvas and it turned out beautiful! Check out this link to see what Shutterfly has to offer.
I imagine our family will most likely use the basic Christmas cards this year. There are some really beautiful layouts to chose from.
Have fun!!
Thanks for the free card link! I hope this babe comes soon so we can get our picture taken in time to have cards made.