Our youngest daughter turns EIGHT today!

To say this girl is a joy is a vast understatement. If you know her you know exactly what I mean by this. I don’t know that there is a word to adequately describe the pure heavenly abundance of gratitude we feel as her parents, and the excitement, compassion, and silliness this girl radiates into the world.
We prayed for this girl for THREE years before becoming pregnant with her. We had a community of people pulling for us through that journey and as we celebrated her with a BIG gender reveal in our backyard just two months before she was born.
We kept telling God that He was good through every set back we had with getting pregnant, and with her health once she arrived. He’s always been faithful.

We have four children. Two older, this birthday girl, and a younger boy.
As our oldest is about to turn 18 I feel like we’ve “done it all” in the areas of parenting; although God keeps reminding us we haven’t with each new experience we have (last night was a phone call about a minor incident with a car). Jesus take the wheel, we will remain humble.
One thing I have always been passionate about is limiting screen time with our children. This is ironic to me, as I have spent a great deal of my adult life consulting for and managing social media accounts, as well as sharing bits of our life on different online platforms in hopes to encourage others in the trenches of motherhood.
For our daughter’s birthday today, we gifted her a Yoto Player. A friend mentioned this device to me a few weeks ago. I quickly checked it out and knew right away that it lined up with our values and would meet a need we had to share more audiobooks with our children while limiting screen time.
I enjoy the vast library of stories offered with rich content, the activity cards, the sound effects cards, the kids radio, the daily podcast for children, as well as the Make your own cards.
You guys, I was able to link a Sally Clarkson podcast to a blank card for me to listen to. Hallelujah! I know, I can link it to “Alexa” or play it from my phone, but being able to stick in a card rather than pull up a webpage/app is just delightful to me.
I ordered some blank cards to have grandparents and other relatives or friends read or tell stories to play.
Our children, 3-17 ALL love this cute little box. Our 3-year-old was able to walk up to it and make it play music and stories without ANY prompting or guidance. THAT is how intuitive and user friendly this sweet thing is. The simplicity of this box is all part of the design, and I love it.
If you’re considering one and have questions, please feel free to message me. I love hearing from you.
I hope you know that I pray for each of you who visit this site and I am so grateful that you take the time to check in on our family. Wherever you are dear friends, I hope you are CELEBRATING something today.
You are worthy of praise. You are special. You deserve every single birthday wish you’ve ever whispered under your breath or hoped for in your heart.

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