I’m a huge fan of bizarre holidays. I look for a way to celebrate or put a theme to whatever I can. I have so many dates to celebrate marked on my calendar it’s ridiculous… and awesome.
Did you know that today is “Go For Broke Day”? It’s a day where you put it all out there, and take a risk. I’m sure this occasion is a fun one to celebrate amongst the gambling crowd, “ALL IN!”, but why not relate it to other areas too?
What might that look like?
So if I’m going to “Go For Broke” with my children, it might mean:
- I listen to every second of every far-fetched story that my son tells me.
- I might give in to the request of reading the Elmo book for the 5th time today.
- I may declare it a dessert night and whip up some banana splits after supper.
- Singing an extra verse or two of Amazing Grace at bedtime.
- Being extra patient.
- Playing on the floor and giggling along with the kiddos as we make silly animal sounds and crawl around like chickens.
- Writing each child a note or coloring a picture, then tucking it next to their bed for them to find in the morning.
What if I “Go For Broke” in my marriage?
- Listen closely. Not just listen and respond, but really try to HEAR what my husband is saying, and what he isn’t saying. Taking extra time to understanding his side of things and appreciate his perspective.
- Fix a nice dinner that I know my husband will love, rather than frantically just landing something that was once frozen onto the center of the table at 6pm and calling it good- all while I yell at the top of my lungs to get everyone in the room and sitting down at the same time to quietly say grace together. Don’t judge, these homeschooling days are long. Even though I’m home all day, I am often more exhausted by 5 pm than when I worked outside the home (It’s not even the kids necessarily, I’m just more charged up by big crowds).
- Tidy up all the miscellaneous things that have been put into our bedroom but don’t belong there (I’m notorious for this scenario, and maybe you are too? Company is coming so I fill a laundry basket with random stuff from around the house. Shove it in the bedroom and shut the door. Company leaves, I do nothing about the basket. Oops, laundry is done and I need a basket, dump that basket of stuff on the dresser and never put it away). So this day I think I’ll create a romantic oasis- or I mean at least a clutter free bedroom zone. Who am I kidding? I’m probably just going to throw half that stuff away because it’s easier and probably mostly outdated at this point, but hey it will actually look a little better.
- Be excited about what he’s excited about. I really have no idea what that is right now, maybe something to do with a basketball game, and a property project at church? I’ll ask him.
- Pray fervently about my husband’s health and what concerns him.
- Love fiercely.
Going “All In” as a friend:
- Taking a little time to text friends and check in with them, maybe set up coffee dates for next week.
- Offering to bring a meal to a friend, or babysit for a couple hours.
I know these all sound like baby steps, but you all know it’s been a demanding season here lately and this is just where I am and what I can do today to be “all in”. I’m totally okay with this, and I hope that wherever you are right now, that you’re okay in that season too.
Love this!! More people should think and live this way!
Thanks, Michelle!