This morning will be our first day back at the homeschool co-op. We went for its first two years, took a year off, and now we’re all in again for this academic year.
As we’re starting up again there are so many unfamiliar names on the roster.
I have “first day” jitters like nobody’s business. Like, you guys, I legit woke up in the middle of the night worrying about it and had to convince myself to go back to sleep.
That’s not typically how I roll.
Will the other moms like me? Will I appear defensive if they don’t? Will my children be encouraged? Will they tire easily? Will they be KIND? Will they learn enough that it was worth leaving the house and packing snacks for?
Does any of this even matter?
I can assure you I’m not actually as anxious as it sounds. As each thought has entered my head I….
A deep breath with an extra loooonnng exhale.
Just Jesus. All I need is Jesus.
If the other moms don’t like me?
Well, Jesus does.
If my kids don’t soak up $$$ worth of knowledge, Jesus will fill the gaps and provide for their educational needs.
If I appear defensive because I fear I’m unlovable… well, that one’s on me- but still, Jesus.
Each day has a worry of its own. Whatever is worrying you today I pray you take it to the Lord and let it out with a great big exhale.
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