Family Sleepover Night! This has been our tradition for many years and we all look forward to it. One night over Christmas break we play games, drag mattresses into the living room, stay up late, and watch something on TV.
This year we have a new couch, meaning only mom and dad’s mattress needed to come out since there was room for the children on the furniture. Our youngest daughter still wanted hers brought out but decided she could use the loveseat this time, as soon she will outgrow it.
I can’t believe how fast time slips by as a momma and homemaker. Evening shows up so fast, the years are flying by, and this year our children will turn 5, 10, 15 & 20.
Sweet moments to remember are happening every hour it seems. I pray my memory will never fail me. If it ever does, I’m still grateful for the experiences as they come.
This evening our youngest son snuggled up on my lap, looked me in the eyes, and thoughtfully said in his sweet 4-year-old voice, “Momma, all people are so beautiful”.
Indeed, they are. Look for the beauty, it’s there.
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