A morning walk with my blessings.
- A bouquet of dandelions.
- Hanging clothes to dry by His gentle breeze.
- A no-frills lunch with a beautiful friend in my favorite hometown.
- A shopping trip strictly for the purpose of planting a surprise blessing on someone else.
- Words with friends.
- Dinner, although rushed and over too quick, was spent outdoors with the whole family.
- Nourished bellies.
- Nourished souls.
- The chance to teach little ones of His sweet words.
- Church nursery.
- A pastor with a passion for awakening our spirits and filling us full of truth.
- An evening jog with my love.
- A warm shower with water clearer than some people will ever see.
- Laying down for bed, and holding hands with my guy as we drift off to sleep.
These are a few of my favorite things.
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