Last night we installed a shower filter.
It all started yesterday, Sunday, when went to Home Depot for a few pieces of lumber we forgot to order from the local lumber yard on Saturday (when they were open and we ordered the rest of the lumber we needed).
I was browsing and decided to look for a new shower head & hose for the kids’ bathroom. Theirs has been broke for quite some time, so they’ve only been using the bath in there.
After MUCH comparison (mostly on the gallons per minute, and the “looks”), I decided the $12 shower head was just as good as the $74 one.
So it was settled, until….. I saw a shower filter! This is something I’ve been meaning to look into. So there I was again, now comparing shower filters for our grown up bathroom (the one that doesn’t have rubber ducks everywhere). I decided on the Sprite Slim Line.
This brand claims to do quite a bit, you can read about that HERE.
Total cost of upgrade, about $20 and 20 minutes
Oh, and the lumber there didn’t work out for us… So I’ll be ordering that from the local lumber yard today 😉
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