Last Thursday I unplugged the TV… literally.. I disconnected the DVD player, VCR, converter box, Wii, & UNPLUGGED the whole stinkin’ thing from the wall. I even covered up the entertainment center with a huge piece of fabric. AND put the couch in front of it so it is NOT easy to get to it.
It’s not that we don’t like our TV… You see, we are a little hooked on so many shows that really aren’t doing anything for us. For me, watching TV even just a 30 minute episode is taking away from time I could be spending helping my daughter become a better reader, or teaching my son the right way to use his scissors and draw a straight line. Or ummm.. I could be doing laundry!
Having the TV on as background noise isn’t something we do here, so any time it is on, it is very distracting to the little people in this house.
I came up with this cute little chart, inspired by a friend who made a much more adorable one for her boys.
We are using this as a FAMILY activity chart, so even Daddy played Barbies with us last night. By having a plan in place we are less tempted to run to the TV to entertain us. I am especially excited for warmer weather so we can add in things like…Dinner at the park, riding bikes, and other outdoor activities!
Total cost about $17. All items from Wal-Mart.
$7.88- Magnetic Dry Erase Board
$5.44- Plastic Name Badges
$2.97- Week Day Magnets
…Used 3 sheets of card stock & some markers for the pictures. I measured for the grid & applied it with perm. marker.
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