Disclosure: I’m not a doctor, this isn’t medical advice, and the hairband on my wrist was chewed by my SIL’s cat, but it still works so I’m wearing it.
When I was pregnant with our 4th child a relative give me some homemade apple cider vinegar to help combat the horrible heartburn I was having on the daily.
It seemed counterproductive, but I was desperate so I tried it. The next time I had a bout of heartburn I took a little shot of the ACV. It burned like crazy going down, and then the heartburn was gone!
Like I usually do, I dove deep into researching the benefits of ACV and I’ve been sold on it ever since.
I have trouble digesting protein, especially beef, so sometimes after a taco dinner or having steak, I’ll take about 2-4oz of ACV in my water or drink some of this drink. I’ve grown to love it and appreciate the way is helping my body.
Do you keep Apple Cider Vinegar on hand at your house? It’s a great health and beauty aid!
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