“Sassy since Birth”, “Bad Choices Make Good Stories”, “Being a grown up is the dumbest thing I have ever done”… Just some of the ridiculous phrases I read on t-shirts while shopping the juniors section for clothes for my oldest. No wonder there are kids today that can be so rude, don’t look forward to growing up, and pride themselves on getting in trouble.
Even the words on a T-Shirt matter.
If your children own sassy t-shirts do the world a favor and cut them up to be used as shop rags or fire starters.
*Rant over*
Okay I suppose I’m a bit of a hypocrite here, because I am a fan of sassy and slightly offensive t-shirts, but not on our little girls, and not with words that tear down and make us lose hope.
Like this one, this is the perfect example of the kind of sassy shirt I like:
It’s funny, and no one is getting torn down over it.
Here are some others that I think are perfectly fine:
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