Yesterday evening was pure chaos here. I was upset we weren’t gong to a party we were invited to because a home project didn’t go as planned, and attitudes across the whole family were poor.
Dang it, I was dressed, my make-up was perfect and my clothes looked goooood.
Everything was falling in place, well except my attitude and a front door that wouldn’t close right. But we could deal with those tomorrow. Right? I wanted to go have fun!
The constant bickering I occasionally complain about typical American siblings having, happened to my own children. My own children, folks! These three are the best of friends. My heart broke not knowing how to force them to get along with each other, and with ME!
There was back talk, fits thrown, yelling, pouting, and whining (oh the whining, it was horrendous).
There was back talk, fits thrown, yelling, pouting, and whining (oh the whining, it was horrendous).
Then at the very end of the day I couldn’t take anymore. I.Just.Could.Not.
I wanted to leave. I wanted to walk right out the door and drive to the nearest Dairy Queen for a Georgia Mud Fudge and escape my grumpy reality. That wasn’t an option though.
I had failed to find the joy all day long. I just flat out failed.
I thought, “I never want a repeat of this day”. I wouldn’t rewind it and do it over even if I was given the chance. It was THAT bad.
Just then I remembered a friend saying “Be Still”. I heard her words echo loud in my imagination, “stop where you are and pray”.
I did. Deep breath. I was instantly centered back to where I needed to be. I hoped it wouldn’t take long to get everyone else there too.
We prayed as a family, we talked together, all 5 of us. Mr. Awesome and I explained compassion to our little people. We Googled it for back up. They believe us better when they hear the phone define a word.. Stinkers.
Parenting Tip:
I’m actually serious here, well as serious as I can be.
Use the voice option on Google and say “define {insert a word}”. Any word you can think of it will read the definition to you as well as display it on the screen.
They understood. The kids asked for forgiveness. On their own, and I knew it was genuine.
Tears poured down everyone’s checks (except dad’s, but there was emotion there, he’s just stronger than I in this current stage of life, praise God).
I am begging you to find JOY. When you’re upset, stop and pray. Pray to be filled up over the top with joy. Pray for your anger/sadness/frustration to pack its bags and go far away. When you’re heartbroken over your the actions of your kids, give them grace. Forgive. Forgiveness. It’s a beautiful gift. It’s a gift first given by our Heavenly Father. I’m all about re-gifting. 😉
I am begging you to find JOY. When you’re upset, stop and pray. Pray to be filled up over the top with joy. Pray for your anger/sadness/frustration to pack its bags and go far away. When you’re heartbroken over your the actions of your kids, give them grace. Forgive. Forgiveness. It’s a beautiful gift. It’s a gift first given by our Heavenly Father. I’m all about re-gifting. 😉
I love you. Yes, YOU are loved.
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