I’m attending my first Blog Conference next weekend, and I already started thinking a few weeks ago about what I would be bringing with me (aside from my usual necessities, which are my cell phone, a good lip balm, and some cash).
I don’t want to take too much stuff with me that I feel like I’m just hauling extra weight around all day, but I also don’t want to feel unprepared. I’ve attended other types of conferences before, so I have a fairly good idea of where to start with packing my tote bag.
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Here’s just a quick rundown of the types of things I’ll be carrying with me:
Business Cards! Yes, it is easy to look people up on Facebook or just bookmark their blog on your phone while you’re chatting with them, but I like the old school method of putting something tangible in their hands. This also allows you more face time when you meet someone new.
Now if you don’t have these yet, don’t stress. Maybe you could just type up something that is about business card size the night before and print it out so you can put your blog name into people’s hands.
Water Bottle. You can buy water out of a vending machine almost anywhere you go, but that’s expensive AND not nearly as cute as brining your own. I
like LOVE the Contigo Travel Mug that I bought myself last fall. It’s leak proof, which is the most important feature, aside from that it’s sleek and fashionable. It’s a lovely {practical} accessory to any outfit.
Pen and paper. Technically any pen and paper will work. You’ll be taking lots of notes at a conference though, so you want a pen that will glide smoothly along the paper and not be giving you troubles or slowing you down. For the paper, I personally prefer a full-size notebook. It’s not that I’ll actually use all 60-70 pages at a conference, it’s because I like having the extra room to write and it’s more comfortable for me. At past conferences I’ve torn a sheet or two of paper off for someone sitting by me because they didn’t bring any. It’s an easy way to help someone out and strike up a conversation with them.
Portable Phone Charger. Chances are your phone’s battery is going to drain like crazy when you’re at a conference. Some of that is because the buildings they’re held in don’t receive a good signal, and sometimes it’s because you’re spending more time texting a friend who is in another meeting room, or looking up the conference speakers and their materials on social media. A light weight portable phone charger is best, so it doesn’t add extra weight to your bag. When you hear another attendee near you mention that their battery is dying, that’s your chance to offer out your charger and introduce yourself, you can even hand them one of your business cards!
Where are you going to put all of this? In your tote bag or purse!
Tote Bag. Whatever bag you bring, be sure you’ve cleaned it out the night before. Even a few stray receipts can slow you down from getting to what you need when you’re reaching in your bag.
There’s nothing worse than standing in front of someone new, searching for an ink pen in your bag and pushing past the receipts and gum wrappers, only to pull out a lip balm (or a tampon.. true story)! Keep that bag tidied up with only the essentials.
Side Note About How to Dress
Be sure to dress comfortably, but stylish. You know the saying about dressing for success, right? Yeah, so don’t be afraid to do that. However, PLEASE don’t wear those uber tight jeans, no matter how good they make your derrière look; because you know you’ll mostly just be sitting on it all day anyway. You need to be comfortable! Be sure you have a shirt that is long enough to cover your back side so you aren’t constantly pulling it down and feeling self conscious.
Also, conference arenas are usually on the chilly side, so long sleeves or a light jacket are totally appropriate.
Be comfortable and confident. Step slightly out of your comfort zone to talk to people and make new friends. Blogging is great, and making some face-to-face connections is even greater!
I have to mention this, because I see it all too often at the other types of conferences I have attended- If you’re not normally a heels kinda gal (and folks, I am NOT), then do.not.wear.heels to the conference. It will leave you walking crooked and complaining about your feet. Girl, ain’t nobody want to hear about your feet. Tennis shoes are absolutely okay.
Above all, clothe yourself with confidence and kindness, and be ready to LEARN and HAVE FUN. That’s what its all about!
Just found your blog and so excited to meet you tomorrow!
Holly, I’d love to catch up with you at another Blogger meet up! I learned so much at the conference. I hope you did too!