So I’m telling the boy as we’re creating a mini book that he needs to cut very carefully on the lines. His response to me in his laid back, ‘I’m so cool’ voice: “Yeah, so I can sell this thing to uncle Jeremy”.
Yes son, those were my thoughts exactly! Uncle Jeremy would love to have a mini book all about Jack, who has a pack on his back that says QUACK!
The highlight of my day was when my oldest daughter came running up the stairs first thing in the morning and asked if she could start her math! Isn’t that just music to a momma’s ears? Lovely! She is such a great independent worker and I really appreciate her having a genuine love of learning. She is such a joy to be around and just radiates kindness wherever she goes. Love that girl!
School took a little longer today as we added in a few more subjects than we did yesterday. Truth be told, I didn’t want to start school until after Labor day. But, I have eager learners, and there’s no way I’m telling them to hold off on that sort of excitement.
I have been working on laundry all day. Literally, the whole day. I even decided to be an overachiever and change the sheets on our beds. The baby just had her sheets changed so I did everyone else’s while she was napping.
Long story short, I went in to get her from her nap and her sheet was soaked.. and there sat her dry diaper that I got out, but forgot to put on her! Hey look on the bright side though, now EVERYONE’S sheets have been washed on the same day.
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