From the Vault- 1 Year Ago Today:
We didn’t get much baking done before Christmas, but now that the rush is over us girls are listening to Christmas music, dancing in the kitchen, & putting a casserole dish full of apple crisp in the oven. Mmm-mmm-mmmmm!
Next up, flourless peanut butter cookies. ❤
In the background, we hear the hum of the snowblower as Mr. Awesome is out clearing the driveway after a significant, and gorgeously magnificent, snowfall. That hum is a sign that he is healthy and strong, something we’re so grateful for. He is an amazing provider, and I don’t tell him that nearly enough.
Oh, how I love to watch the seasons change. Hunkering down for the winter used to seem like such a drag, and now my heart longs for it.
The baby started to fuss, so I left the kitchen to nurse him, leaving the girls in charge. I love listening to the way they encourage each other, and how my oldest lovingly teaches her sister to roll dough into perfectly round balls for dipping in sugar.
The floor in my entryway is covered in snow gear, and soaking wet. My adventure boy was out adventuring with a neighbor girl and left quite a soggy mess behind him. Yet, I’m grateful.
So deeply grateful.
This Christmas week has been filled with moments I’ll savor for a lifetime, and, well, some I’d like to forget and wipe from my husband & children’s memory; like when I freaked out so badly over how to cook a $17 ALDI ham that I didn’t even go to Christmas Eve worship. Real mature, I know.
I hope that your week has been amazing, and lovely, and if it hasn’t, I hope that you will do what you gotta do to make it so (like apologizing for being mad about a freakin’ ham not going into the Crock-Pot the moment you thought it should- and not doing it yourself even though you were plenty able then cooking it too high because you were panicked it wouldn’t turn out in time). Sometimes, Jesus shapes us through the good times, and sometimes through the bad. I’m grateful that the bad this week, really in the grand scheme of things, wasn’t so bad at all.
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