I’m so grateful I get to be her momma. ❤
I’m the first one she comes to with good news, the one she calls when something breaks down, goes wrong, or feels too much to handle.
This girl was still not reading at age 9. That weighed heavy on my momma heart during that season. She was in public school, we homeschooled in the evenings and on weekends. We tried Hooked on Phonics and every other program.
Her dyslexia diagnosis was a breakthrough we needed. Yes, at first I was devastated because I didn’t understand it. It took time to really understand, and I had to submerge myself into learning all that I could so I could to teach in a way that she understood. Once we got it though, learning became a lot of FUN {mostly}.
Now, at almost nineteen this girl runs her own business and works two other jobs. She is spending the little bit of free time in her day pursuing online classes to grow a variety of skills while still nurturing positive relationships with her siblings and helping around the home.
We are both learning the new relationship dynamic that comes with her hitting adulthood. Watching her spread her wings is a thing of beauty.
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