This past Saturday our family celebrated something special. Even though we didn’t celebrate in the way we normally do, because we were busy cleaning and taking care of household things we were still celebrating. The celebration was marking 5 and a half years of what we call “The Carben1 Comedy Tour”. Yes it’s hard to believe it just 5 half years ago we welcomed our son into this world.
I wholeheartedly enjoy this boy so very much. There’s not a day that goes by that he doesn’t make me smile and laugh and sometimes do one of those rolling on the floor laughing things everyone post about online. I mean, do people really do that after they read something funny? Doubtful.
Spend a day around this sweet little boy and you too will be rolling on the floor laughing. So Jesus, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my little boy, my joy.
I know that someday he will grow up to be an amazing husband, like his father is. He will be a wonderful father to his children and he will make all of his friends laugh just like he does for me now. When that day comes I have no doubt in my mind that he will still love his mother very much, but I know so much of him will be with his own family then and so these days I have him so very close I will cherish.
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