I hope I never forget the way he carries his hooded sweatshirts around on his head, when he doesn’t want to wear them.
Today he teared up because although we have a ramp on our front stairs, we don’t have one for the basement stairs. This means his best friend who is in a wheel chair right now (broken leg) can come over, but can’t play down in his room. He wishes we never built this stupid house and feels all sorts of angry. He questioned why we designed the house how we did. Eventually we talked through it, and came to a resolution. This boy has passion like no other boy I’ve seen before.
He is a crazy wild 7 year old with a huge heart.
I see his compassion. I can appreciate the feelings my boy feels, and even more so I appreciate that he shares them with me.
He’s the first on the scene when a friend gets hurt, and doesn’t waste time in getting them care. He is a do-er.
This boy has my whole heart.
This boy is The Ball Player.
Right now he is The Ball Player. But I can see in him the potential to be The Doctor, The Minister, The writer, or The Comedian. His potential is only limited by how you see him. How you see all of them. They are a direct reflection of you. Funny how the older we get the wiser we get, if only I had some of these musings when you all were little like he is.