A week has passed since my last blog post, and I honestly can say I did not get much accomplished. Not in the way of writing anyway. Well, or in the keeping of the home (If you’re reading this, I’m sorry, sweetie).
My heart desires to write, but my schedule does not allow it, and in this season, that’s going to have to be okay. I hope you all understand. I do have words to tell, things to teach, and moments of grace to share with you, but it’ll have to be on another day.
You see, the hustle and bustle of raising little people and tending to a baby, who needs me near constantly for nourishment, and comfort, has left very little time for writing words to appear on a computer screen.
I wear a Fitbit that records my sleep patterns, among other things. In the early days with the baby home my sleep goals were the only ones I was hitting. I may have been 6,000 steps away from my step goal, but sleep was something I was good at.
Sometime in the last week sleep has been lacking, more to-dos have been added, and last night I think I got an hour and seven minutes of sleep, and that was not uninterrupted sleep.
Still, in this season, I will give THANKS to GOD, for He is good.
So good.
Jesus, my heart is full tonight.
Thank you.
Another 10 Thanks, in no particular order:
- It’s nearing midnight and I am slamming my fingers against the keys to pound out this post while it is still Thursday. I don’t know if I will be successful or not, but I am striving for it. Thank you, for this quiet time.
- This week I was able to meet a new friend for a coffee date, I have had a smile on my face all week from her gentle and sweet presence.
- I saw my parents, something I don’t get to do nearly often enough because of the craziness of daily life.
- A gathering of like-minded families, who have chosen the path of educating at home.
- A meal shared with the community, a place to gather, talk, and be nourished in more ways than one.
- A new planner, and plenty of opportunities to fill it.
- A husband who encourages me, and took the kids out for a couple hours, so I could snag a couple hours of sleep (I worked an hour and slept an hour).
- My Instant Pots, yes I own two, a 6 and an 8 quart. As materialistic as it may sound, I am grateful for the time it saves me, so I can be doing other things while our food cooks safely and quickly in the kitchen. Modern technology is beautiful sometimes.
- The smell of new shampoo. It’s refreshing to the hair, and also the mind.
- The soft feel of carpet under my feet. Comfort abounds in this home of ours. I pray the same for each of you reading this.
I encourage you to set aside time, if not daily, weekly, to FIND JOY. Even in the tough seasons of life, it’s there. I swear it.
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