It’s a Tea & crumpets kind of day. Well okay, here it’s more like water and donuts.
I just wanted to give you another visual of my favorite soapbox, which is: “Do what works for you”.
God created us each unique with our own gifts, talents, and interests.
You do you, I’ll do me. Together we’ll praise Jesus.
In short, this little saying means to me that although we are different, that doesn’t need to separate us. We can all praise Jesus for His perfect design within our lives and the gift of friendship despite diversities.
I have a wide community of homeschooling mom friends both in real life, and online. I love each of them for their uniqueness and can learn something from every one of them.
Many of my HS momma friends do a tea time with their children and I really truly admire it. It makes me smile to see the pictures they post of the read aloud they’re doing, and the fancy tea cups they’re sipping from.
I don’t beat myself up feeling envious or like I need to do better because I’m serving store bought donuts on the dishes I bought for myself at Target. I’m okay with serving water when I’m not in the mood to fix tea (yes, I do know how easy it is to make).
I have a teenager now (along with an 8yr old and a toddler), and I understand that this sort of contentment I feel has come with age and experience, and above all, from Jesus.
I’ve had to pray for God to help my heart and mind find places where I can feel satisfied and content.
It’s my prayer that each of you may also feel satisfied wherever you are, and that you’d only feel the nudge to self-reflect and change if it comes from God alone. Not from your Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest feeds, but only from Christ.
Be blessed my friends, and have a beautiful weekend!
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