Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18
It’s been a long day. The little ones are *finally* asleep and I’m sitting on the couch eating ice cream, clearly thinking only of myself and what a day I’ve had.
There he is, my dear sweet husband. His body language tells me he is waiting for something. For what, I wonder?
He glances my way a few times and I assume he’s judging me for the double scoop and generous drizzle of chocolate syrup. I mean, I know I’m judging myself. Do the cherries on top mean nothing to this man? Hello, cherries are a fruit
I take my last bite, give couple scrapes to the bottom of the bowl, and set the spoon down. Not 3 seconds pass and he’s on his feet reaching for the bowl, smile on his face and asking “Can I take that for you?”
“Sure” I say, feeling terribly embarrassed.
He was waiting, waiting for a way to serve me.
Bless him.
I smiled and shook my head as I heard him rinse the bowl out before putting it in the dishwasher. I’m one to toss it right in the dishwasher, but he handles everything with a little more care than I do.
Our marriage is better because of the care he takes with it. He doesn’t merely say he loves me, he shows me. In his own way, through his own little quirks and gestures, I feel his love for me.
Maybe your husband doesn’t say “I Love You” as often as you’d like to hear, but does he show it? In his own special way is he showing you that you are precious to him?
Now let’s turn the tables. Your turn.
Are your actions showing your husband that HE IS LOVED? I don’t know what it’s like to be a man in this world, but I can imagine being the provider of a family comes with its own stressors. Show your man that you LOVE him. Yes, keep telling him and reminding him too, but don’t forget to SHOW him in the process.
One way I’ve done this over the summer is by taking over some of the mowing duties and delegating it out to the kids as well. My husband’s passion is working in his vegetable garden and I want him to have every opportunity to do that when he is home from work. He doesn’t mind mowing, but it isn’t something that he needs to be burdened with every week when our able bodies can handle it. Do I love mowing? um, no. We have a push mower, a large yard, and I don’t especially like sweating. BUT I DO IT! I do it so my actions tell him that I love him, and I care about his gardening hobby and want him to be able to make that a priority.
Where can you pitch in and help out? How can you show some LOVE?
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