For many of you this is the start of a 3 day weekend with the extended family.
Maybe it’s the aunt who you only see a couple times a year but has to remind you she does.not.agree with your vaccine schedule you posted 6 years ago and immediately deleted.
The sister-in-law who brings her grain-free, dairy-free, no nut, and absolutely no flippin’ flavor, dessert to the picnic and makes you and your peace offering of Cheetos feel bad. For crying out loud, I’m sure you paid full price for those cheesy puffs on your way out of town; how dare you let anyone make you feel bad!
The cousin with the world’s worst work ethic that just got another surely undeserved promotion…What is this world coming to??
The bratty little third cousin that tagged along with another relative because his parents are ‘too busy’, and keeps disrespecting everyone but there is no one there to correct him.
Whoever it is, remember these words (write them on your hand with permanent marker if you have to):
“Pursue peace with all people…”
You can read more in Hebrews 12:14.
“Pursue peace with all people…”
You can read more in Hebrews 12:14.
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