I had the best, easiest, relaxing weekend in as long as I can remember. My husband drove us 2 hours away to satisfy a pregnancy craving for Fazzoli’s, bless his heart.
After we had eaten we drove around for about a half hour looking for a Goodwill that I had visited once before and so loved. GPS led us all over town & had us both frustrated, but my guy did not give up. Once we found it, the greatest thing happened, he spent an hour and a half in there with the kids & I. We ended the evening with pizza and visiting with my father in law.
Sunday was filled with flowers being planted, spending time as a family & ending the evening with putting together our new firepit and enjoying hamburgers and smores. Delightful.
Even with all the goodness, later that night I felt bad.
I was just getting ready to wash the smell of the smoke from the fire off in the shower when I caught a glimpse of my growing belly in the mirror.
My first pregnancy I was thrilled with my expanding midsection. This time around it’s tougher to be excited about stretching out, because I know it’s never the same afterwards.
My 9 year old princess comes in the bathroom to say goodnight & smiled “aww you’re getting stretch marks! That’s exciting, it means the baby is healthy and growing”.
Exciting?!?! I took a deep breath, looked at the joy in her eyes, I smiled and said, “yes it is”.
I chose not to be a joy sucker. I chose not to whine about how those were left over from nearly 5 years ago when her brother was growing in my womb. I didn’t tell her that those would always be there & that I’d probably even get more in the coming months. She said good night & went on her way.
After she left the room, I got in the shower & decided to take on her perspective & leave mine behind (because mine stunk & hers was beautiful). Thank you little girl, for reminding me I’m who God made me to be, & he made me perfectly.
I’m stretched out from carrying my babies & that’s okay. I love my babies, no matter how old they get, they will always be my babies. These marks really don’t cause me any harm & I’m thankful to be alive and well enough to enjoy my family each day. That is what I will focus on, the good, because there is just so much of it!
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