If I were to invite you over to my home the first thing you’d see, no matter which door you enter through, is our kitchen.
It’s the heart of every home, right?
It’s the place I make meals, sometimes from scratch, other times from frozen. It’s where the kids sit at the counter for snacks.
It’s where we do messy science experiments and place papers and mail to be handled later.
It’s the place Chad and I sometimes find ourselves talking to each other after our kids have gone to bed for the evening.
This place needs a “quick tidy” multiple times a day, just ask my kids.
I have such a deep appreciation for the way this space serves us.
It is the place I have learned the most patience as a wife and mother.
It’s the place my little 9-year-old gluten-free girl has created and continues to create, her own recipes with pure joy. Never feeling left out, always empowered by the gift God has given her through her food intolerances. She loves the challenge of making meals and treats that everyone can enjoy.
Our kitchen is ordinary. The messes here are common. It’s the people and their activity that have made it what it is today. It gets messed up, it gets sticky, it gets cleaned again and again, and all the while it provides a space for ample amounts of love, lessons, safety, and entertainment.
If only these walls could talk.
Thank you, @amanda.volsen for helping me see this kitchen with renewed appreciation.
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