Our grocery store has a rack of heavily discounted produce that is nearing the end of its prime.
A lady at church encouraged me that there are a lot of great bargains to be found on that rack.
I was skeptical, because when we moved here 8 years ago my husband told me that food was rotten & for animals…
Bull honky, Mr. Awesome.
Over the last month I decided that I am an animal! And even though he may not know it, he is eating “rotten animal destined food” too.
I scored almost 7 lbs of perfectly fine bananas for $1.33 rather than the regular price of $4.83.
We go through a good amount of bananas here, so this was a great find.
I’ve also gotten organic tomatoes for cheap cheap cheap.
I know it’s only a $3 savings this week, but we are a family of 5 healthy eaters on one income and every little bit adds up!
If I had saved $3 a week on our groceries since we had moved here, I’d have over $1200 in my vacation fund. Okay, so there’s no vacation fund. But it would be a nice chunk of change to spend on something fun.
*These bananas were promptly peeled, split in half & stuck in the freezer for smoothies. Bananas are a great flavor neutralizer for smoothies so you can load the blender up with all kinds of goodies (kale, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, etc.) & enjoy!
How do you like to save on groceries?
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