Matthew 14:27 Says:
immediately said to them:
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
That’s how I feel when a storm is raging inside of me
and I see my earthly father, my daddy. Whatever fear I’m having is gone,
because I know I’m safe with my dad. I’m 26 years old and I still feel the same
sense of safe with my dad that I felt when I was a little girl (with the exception of the time I got caught smoking- I didn’t feel too safe then, pretty scared actually. I was wayyy too young, and did whatever my friend was doing, so I would fit in. Pretty lame. Thank you to my biggest brother for ratting me out. I’m sure you saved me loads of money and the chance of lung cancer).
Focus….Get back on track… Okay…GO!
The time I felt the most scared was after I delivered my son. I had spent 28.5 hours in labor, and 2 hours pushing that child out of me. I was hooked up to all kinds of machines, had so many drugs pumping into my body and I was sure that I was going to die. I delivered my son, and didn’t feel anything other than terror. No baby high, no relief. My mom and husband were with me. Looking back, I really appreciate that.
Very quickly after my son was born, my dad showed up to meet his first grandson. We were still in the delivery room. I had a lot of weird emotions going on that kept me from feeling an instant bond with my son (it actually took a good week or better, but that’s long story.. we’ll get into that another time).
Something changed as soon as I saw my dad holding that still brand new, all bundled up, precious baby boy. Something inside me shifted from scared senseless, to safe. I knew that everything was okay. I didn’t know how it would be okay, but I trusted that he was there, so it would be okay.
It’s so easy to have that feeling because I trust my dad. I trust him more than I trust anyone else on this Earth. He has earned this trust. He is a reliable, strong, and courageous man. It doesn’t mean I don’t trust others a whole bunch, and I don’t have any sort of trust issues, it’s just that I am safe with him. Safe, safe, safe.
My dad has always believed in me and been my advocate no matter what.
Over the last few years and various situations I’ve learned to have that same sort of deep trust with Jesus. I’ve learned that my dad can’t always physically be with me. I know he would if I asked him, but there have been times I’m just too far away. And as much as I hate to think about it (so I’m just not going to), there will be a day that he really can’t be with me any more. 🙁
He couldn’t be there when my mother-in-law passed away. He was watching the kids for us as we made our last trip to visit her in the hospital. I was in that hospital room as the woman who birthed, nurtured, and raised my husband, went from Earth to Heaven. I felt her go. Yes, I felt her go, and I knew that she was safe with Jesus. I can’t fully describe it, but I know what I felt.
It was emotionally the hardest day of my life, seeing my husband lose his mother. Knowing in that moment that we would have to return home and tell our daughter that her grandma, who was ‘mom’ to her for the first 2 years of her life was gone. I didn’t know where I’d get the strength. It was a day I would love to forget, but just can’t.
Spiritually, it was a time of major growth for me, because I had to rely fully on God and trust that whatever
happened was in His hands. I had never experienced needing Jesus more than I did on that
day, and the months following than I had in my whole life. Jesus was there for me, just like my daddy. He is always there, even if you don’t call for Him, He’s there. And when you do call for Him, know that you are safe.
I want to encourage you to think of the person that you
trust the very most. Think about why you trust them. Think about putting that
much trust, and more into a loving relationship with Jesus.
If you have trouble with remembering Matthew 14:27, just think of this simple phrase we teach the kids: Never Fear!
Jesus is Here!
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