It’s our last official day of homeschool for this school year! That is as long as everything that is supposed to get finished, gets finished today. 😉
We will have about a week off. During that time we will do Vacation Bible School, and just PLAY. Then we start SUMMER HOMESCHOOL! Fun, right? Well, actually I kind of think it is! I’m sort of a nerd like that though.
This summer we are learning about baseball, as the boy starts T-Ball for the first year. I’m looking forward to the experience he will have. It’s so much more than just a game. He will learn: Accountability, Adaptability, Character, Courage, Sportsmanship, Teamwork, and more.
I will have my oldest home form public school for the summer (she’s get out Monday), and I’m just so looking forward to having all of us together each day.
Home is where the heart is, ya know?
So with the two big kids we will be studying/practicing:
Math– using simple sheets from SoftSchools (addition/subtraction for the boy, multiplication & maybe division for the girl).
Reading– using the summer reading program at the library as our guide and encouragement.
I also downloaded some unit studies and speedy lapbooks to use this summer, from CurrClick . We’ll be going over Moon Phases, Tornadoes, The Sun, and Flag Day during the month of June.
I am trying to keep everything simple, so we aren’t overwhelmed with school work. After all, it IS summer break!
This is my absolute favorite time of year for so many reasons, but these are my top 5:
- The garden will soon be planted.
- Evening walks with my love.
- All 3 kids home each day.
- More time for family, friends, and neighbors.
- No time constraints (bed time, and morning alarm).
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