Twice last week I ate meals with friends who brought hummus to share. Mmm-mm-mmm. Good food & good friends. MY Fav. I had made hummus a few years ago, then I kind of forgot about it.
It isn’t too expensive to buy, but I enjoy making things myself. When I’m able. But more honestly, when I feel like it! 🙂
Here’s the ingredients I used based on the back of the package, and several other blog posts with recipes that I sorted through:
- One 15-ounce can chickpeas or garbanzo beans (I learned that these are basically the same thing, so find either one and you’re good to go)
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/4 C. tahini (I found this at Fareway, it was $6.99, I am almost certain it has got to be cheaper somewhere else. This was the first time that I had actually seen it, so I bought it. It was next to the peanut butter . This makes sense because all it is is ground sesame seeds. You could probably actually make your own if you had a good food processor and a whole bunch of sesame seeds, I had neither… hence the $7 I forked over)
- Garlic, I imagine whatever you have on hand will probably work. fresh or powder would be best.
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- A dash of salt, or not. I can’t really remember if I put this in.
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin, or a full teaspoon if you got busy talking with your kiddos and didn’t pay any attention to your recipe while you were scoopin’ until after the second scoop. Not that I would do that or anything… (But if you do, it still turns out just fine!)
- 2 to 3 tablespoons water
- A dash of paprika for pretty
I tried crushing it all up in my mortar and pestle, but that got old real quick, so I transferred it all to the blender and blended a little at a time while stirring until it was smooth. I really need to get a food processer, but since I don’t have one yet, this worked just fine. I did all this with my sweet kitchen helper, my oldest daughter. She’s 11, and like me, she LOVES all things cooking, baking, and homemaking.
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