A couple weeks ago I was sobbing big ugly tears as I was digging through my keepsake box for a specific picture of an old friend. I couldn’t find it and felt so defeated. It was just one of those days. I did find something else though, from the same time period as the picture I was looking for.
It was a fake/just-for-fun marriage proposal I got from one of my co-workers at the local pizza place I worked at in high school. His little message was scribbled on the back of his senior picture.
I can’t really remember the details of why he wrote this (maybe I told him what to write? who knows), but I do know we were just babies then. Life seemed tough, but man it was so easy.
This boy was fun, and loved music. He was actually a very genuine and caring person.
We were only coworkers. Regardless I enjoyed working with him, he had a good work ethic, which was kind of (very!) rare amongst the boys I worked with back then. I’m so glad I got to know him then. Even if I didn’t know him very well. Thanks to Facebook it’s cool to keep up with him, and so many others now too.
This guy is now living out one of my dreams from back then, traveling around and making music.
And as I sat there, holding his picture and spending only a couple seconds thinking ‘what might have been’, I realized here’s where I am now: cleaning up toys, cooking dinner, washing dishes and folding a mountain of laundry, every.single.day.
I swear to you though, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m married to a guy who makes me smile daily, my children are healthy, and I’m alive! You better believe I love my ordinary life. Yes, I really do.
People come into our lives for a season, and only God knows the reason. Someday, I’d love to know what all these little connections with people were about.
That’s probably one of the first things I’ll ask God:
Why did I only know some of these great people for such a short time? Why didn’t I know them better, or deeper? Why do relationships and even simple friendships fail, despite our best efforts to keep them afloat? Why do other relationships flourish when we really don’t feel invested in them?
Why did I only know some of these great people for such a short time? Why didn’t I know them better, or deeper? Why do relationships and even simple friendships fail, despite our best efforts to keep them afloat? Why do other relationships flourish when we really don’t feel invested in them?
For now, I’m going to assume that I should just keep doing what I’m doing here and God will fill me in when I get there.
Ps. If you’re curious about his music, check out: http://www.rubbersoulthetribute.com/
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