Hey Kids,
Tonight your dad and I played a game called iota. it’s labeled as “the great big game in the teeny-weeny tin”. We just got it a few days ago and finally got a chance to sit down and play it mostly uninterrupted.
I won the first game by a long shot (296-199, if you’re curious). But the second game? Daddy beat me by 1 point! 1 stinking point! Haha. We laughed, teased/smack talked & played until past 11. Then he chased me around the living room being just goofy!
I hope someday all 3 of you will also have days where your marriage feels so fulfilling like this.
Our marriage isn’t perfect. I will never lead you to believe that. I do want you to know that it is a beautiful friendship.
I pray you will each find a spouse who encourages you, prays for you and loves you unconditionally. I mean that last one. I didn’t just use it because it sounded good there (although it did, right?).
Real true love is unconditional. You don’t have to do a thing to earn it. I promise you. Your dad and I love each other unconditionally. It comes natural.
Okay enough ramblings for tonight. Momma loves you.
All of you.
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