I’m 39 weeks pregnant today. While I’m not technically overdue, I’ve never been this pregnant before. It’s a new adventure for sure.
Every single day I am preparing for this baby by:
1. Keeping all the laundry done up.
2. Showering, shaving (for the record, this should be an Olympic sport), straightening my hair, and putting on full make-up like it’s freakin’ prom.
3. Making sandwiches and soups, and keeping the fridge & freezer stocked for the kids while I’m in the hospital.
I’ve been doing this for 3 weeks, thinking “any day now”. You know what? It’s been emotionally exhausting and downright depressing.
Today, I’m smiling, and saying screw it. Today I’m wearing yesterday’s make-up, I’m not showering, I’m not cooking any extra (honestly there’s no room in the fridge right now anyway)…
Today I’m just grateful to be alive, and well. I feel good, I feel happy, I’m not going to ruin that with a silly self-made to-do list.
Even though I’m ginormous, and this baby inside of me may very well break a record for the biggest baby ever birthed, my body isn’t hurting.
Regular chiropractor appointments have kept me feeling limber and sleeping well. My heartburn has subsided, and my morning sickness has stopped this week (praise God!). My back is strong, and my dizzy spells have nearly completely disappeared (aside from an occasional one here and there). I’m celebrating all of that, and the fact that I haven’t sneezed & full blown peed my pants in weeks! Woot! Woot!
Oh Dear Friends, whatever is wearing on you, toss it aside. Today I want you to choose JOY. Choose to be happy where you are. See the good, and focus on that. We can grow so weary in waiting, can’t we? But we can also grow stronger. My strength is rising in the wait, and I know that this little one’s strength is rising too.
Fun Fact: It’s National HIGH FIVE Day! So here’s a virtual *High Five* from me to you! Let’s do this day, and every day, well!
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