From our family to yours, HAPPY FOURTH!
I’ve heard many say this fourth feels like just another day.
Amen, I feel that too, but it doesn’t change what this day is all about.

I’ve spent my time supervising Chad (Mr. Awesome) on our garage remodel, listing things for sale on Facebook, grocery shopping, attempting a hardware store run (failed), and writing blog posts. Oh, and I’ve handed out about 30 snacks per kid as we haven’t had a regular sit down meal today as a family. Even still, life is good.
Does anyone have tips for getting all four kids looking at the camera AND SMILING at the same time? Because I don’t. Bribery didn’t even help this time. Plus it was super bright out and they were staring at a tripod rather than a human, so I’ll give them (and myself) a break.

Our oldest is a senior this year, and I’m taking every single picture I can with the whole family while she is still home with us, even if they turn out less than Instagram-worthy, and even if she ends up living with us for another million years. Memories are being made here and I’ll have the awkward family pictures to prove it!
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