We are busy family of 5 and always on the go. In an effort to avoid the drive-thru for the safety of our pocket books and our health, I present to you a quick make ahead…..
Peanut Butter & Honey Sandwiches for the freezer. Yep, this is the extent of my freezer cooking today. Pretty awesome, right?
These along with my lazy mornings smoothie cups are easy to grab as you go out the door.
I have a great cooler bag that I picked up at Target a couple years ago. It is perfect for taking little lunch things like this and sticking in the van when we are on our way somewhere. The best part of it is that I can fit our whole families lunch in one bag (usually), and it fits in between the driver and passenger seats.
At this point you’re probably thinking it is crazy to make something so simple ahead of time.
Other things we sometimes like to pack are:
Non-messy fruit, like bananas & apples
Chunks of cheese
String cheese
Garden veggies, like peas, peppers & cherry tomatoes (but not for the little boy in the backseat, because he doesn’t care for tomatoes & uses them as squirters).
What types of things do you pack for family lunches/dinners on the go? Do you have any tips to share? If so, post them in the comment section.
Ps. Peanut butter sandwiches freeze very well. But if you are going to do a peanut butter and jelly make sure you put peanut butter on both pieces of bread, then the jelly in the middle. If you don’t the jelly will crystallize against the bread and you’ll get a soggy mess as it thaws.
You need some Rosenbaum honey! 🙂