DEAR MOMS OF LITTLES WHO ARE GETTING READY FOR THE EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE AT CHURCH, OR SOME BIG FAMILY GATHERING- I just want you to know that 3 out of my 3 children are wearing the same clothes they wore last week to church, and 2/3 of those kiddos may have pulled their clothes straight out of the hamper for mom to wash “real quick”. Well, Mom may have forgotten, and now it’s 1 am and I’m tired! So guess what? I’m delegating the spot cleaning to Mr. Awesome & the kids will never know the difference (not that they actually were concerned with appearances anyway, that’s my gig).
The point here is JUST DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO and GO WORSHIP JESUS. No one cares about the clothes, and seriously if they do, BE BOLD and ask them to kindly help you out with your wardrobe situation for next Sunday! ha!
I love ya, moms!
PS. I still don’t know what I’m going to wear, and that’s OK.
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