If I have noticed one trend more than any other amongst mommy bloggers, I would say it’s that a majority of us seem to have a genuine love of coffee.
Really. Check out the “about me” section of almost any blog, Instagram or FB fan page and you’ll soon see what I’m talking about.
Go ahead, open a new browser (don’t close me!) and type in your favorite blogger… Find her “about me” page… She likes coffee, right?
See, I wasn’t kidding!
I prefer my coffee “in bulk”. 😉 Because of this, I primarily drink mine “black” to avoid consuming the chemicals found in sweeteners.
I also prefer to make mine with a French press vs. a traditional coffee maker. This has little to do with the flavor (although it is better in the press), and a whole lot to do with the fact that a French press fits in my cupboard better, and I cannot stand appliances on the counter.
Occasionally I do like to treat myself though. Not that chemical sweeteners are a great treat, really. There are worse things though, right?
Here are some yummy coffee concoctions:
Coffee, milk, & brown sugar. -A big Thank You goes to a neighbor/friend for introducing me to this one! This would be my top pick for a sweet homemade coffee treat.
Coffee, milk, & brown sugar. -A big Thank You goes to a neighbor/friend for introducing me to this one! This would be my top pick for a sweet homemade coffee treat.
Coffee, sweetened with honey.
Coffee, pumpkin pie spice, milk, honey.
Coffee, frozen in popsicle molds.
Coffee, milk, caramel ice cream topping/syrup.
Coffee, honey, & a slash of milk topped with whip cream and sprinkled with crushed up candy canes. I hoard candy canes from my father-in-law’s Christmas tree just for this (and for sprinkling over vanilla ice cream on New Year’s Eve).
Coffee cubes– Coffee can also be frozen in ice cube trays and blended into some delicious cold drinks using these same combinations!
Everyone’s taste buds are different, and experimenting is fun. With each of these just use trial and error to find out how much you like of each ingredient.
My second preferred coffee option is “with friends”. Do you have a free morning to invite a friend over to share a cup of Joe? 🙂
Count me in, mom, blogger, coffee lover! I used to drink it black, now I add a spoonful of unrefined coconut oil which is supposed to be good for metabolism and aid in digestion. It gives it just a hint of sweet and softens the lips.
Jennifer, I love coconut oil & use it in some way shape or form in almost every room of the house. Now I want to add it to my coffee to give it a try! Thanks for the tip!
Now I feel left out. 🙁
Autumn, I'd love to see you post a fun tutorial on your wonderful sun tea so I can link it here. 🙂 I can even come over and share a jar or two with you if you needed a photo of friends drinking it together. You know, for good publicity.