Can you relate to this story I read last night? It’s about a mom who finds a picture of herself {in a bathing suit} that her son took with her cell phone. She’s upset that it is an unflattering picture, but the boy doesn’t see it that way. To him, it’s a picture of his beautiful momma relaxing on the beach. Oh sweet boy, never change your gentle heart.
I know I can relate to this plenty well! Last week I sweat my rear off at the park rather than putting on a tank top and showing my arms (in hindsight, my “jiggly” arms were nothin’ offensive compared to the massive amounts of sweat dripping off my face and drenching my shirt).
This week, I got over it and it felt soooo good! Tank tops are where it’s at on these hot days! I’ve learned to embrace the camera from another mommy friend who learned of the challenge on another blog. Now I’m learning to embrace the mirror and my real self too.
Here’s a link to the original story. Please give it a read and allow it to soak into your soul for a minute before you move on. You probably learned long ago to love others as Jesus loves us. But what about LOVE OURSELVES, as Jesus loves us? As our kids love us? As our husband or friends love us?
Here is a picture of my kids and I at the beach a few weeks ago. The day it was taken I could tell you all the things I despise about the picture. Today, when I look at this picture, I’m just so thankful to God that I got to be THERE in that moment, with my kids, and that we have a photo of it to remind us of the good times we had.
My prayer today comes from the song titled Hosanna, which means Praise & JOY.
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity.
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