We’ve all been actively monitoring our screen time today, after a tough weekend with the teen being too attached to her device of choice. We realized it isn’t just her and we all needed to unplug a little.
We have kept busy today doing projects around the house, but it has surprisingly felt so relaxing and refreshing to be unplugged and getting things accomplished.
I’ve decided that rather than mindlessly scrolling my phone, I’ve opted to start writing notes while I find myself waiting in the van. It’s a small step. I feel more productive and it gives me a way to connect with my husband on his playing field, which is old-school pen & paper.
For me, social media and screen time is a tough act to balance as a blogger and a social media coordinator. I’m learning it’s all about hopping online to do what I need to do, and then getting right off.
I’m going to save mindless scrolling for when I actually have real free time to do that with.
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