So this is the 100th blog post for A Slightly Better Wife. I haven’t blogged as much as I would’ve liked to, but don’t all bloggers say that?
I have become a better wife in some areas, and that was the goal. I feel like I’ve made improvements, but still have a ways to go. Marriage is a work in progress, no matter how much you love your spouse or how many years you’ve been together you still need to work at showing them how special they are, each and every day.
One thing that has helped me is being held accountable. Just having friends, neighbors and family who don’t sit around and male bash, but instead encourage me, has been a great refreshing help. Early on in our marriage when I was still just a young gal I didn’t have this, but I so wish I did.
Reading my bible has changed me. I’ve read my bible off and on since I first got it as a gift when I was just a teenager. The bible is full of truth, and if you look, you will find just what you need.
And really having such a kind, caring and devoted husband who is a major goof ball has been the biggest blessing in my goal to being a better wife. He is so forgiving, I praise God for him.
I’m not going to be giving away my husband. 😉 BUT I will be giving away: Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” You can read what I wrote about it last month here, yes right here…click here now.
As far as the friends- Please take a few minutes to really evaluate the people you are spending the most time with. Do you dread answering the phone when they call? How do you feel after you’ve spent time with them? Just be sure you are with people who can lift you up and help you, not hurt you. Also try to be the type of friend that is encouraging to others. After all, love is what makes the world go around 🙂
*Your name
*E-mail address
*The advice you would give to a new bride.
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I follow you! Great giveaway!
Advice I would give a new bride? "Be the first to apologize, the first to forgive and the last to let go of an embrace."
householdcents @ gamil. com
What an awesome giveaway! 🙂
joyfilledjem (at) gmail (dot) com
I would advise a new bride to laugh often, love unconditionaly, serve with a joyful heart, and love Jesus above all else. 🙂
Well I come from the opposite side of the marriage triangle so what I say will be slighted by my male condition…
I think the best advice would be to realize we are all "works in progress" and that being true the man I am today after 21 years of marriage is not the same man my wife married. God isn't finished with us, we can hope HE never is.
As GOD was forgiving, so you too need to have a forgiving heart because your man is going to screw up. The man of your dreams may become at times the nightmare you were afraid of. Now I want to note here "if the guy is a jerk and there seems to be nothing good there or he puts you in the hospital… maybe the wrong guy". My wife and I had our go arounds, I was quick to anger and she pushed my buttons sometimes… doesn't excuse my behavior but we lived through it.
I listen to Family Life Radio, they have stations countrywide that you can listen to. I heard a woman say she had been married a long time and things were a little stale in her marriage, he would turn on the TV and she was supposed to do her thing. She started looking at him as though she was serving Jesus and he noticed a change and met her halfway, improving their marriage.
I also heard a man that was asked for his marriage advice, "When you are arguing and she is right, shut up. And when you are right, shut up." (I know my wife always wanted the last word no matter what and sometimes out of orneriness I would keep it going.)
Advice needs to be tempered by your own situation but if you are reading your Bible, I am sure GOD is speaking to you.